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4-8 weeks

GTM Audit

CEOs, do unknown unknowns impede your GTM execution? Investors, want your portfolio company to improve GTM results? This is for you.If you can't see the forest for the trees and want to know if the plan will work, how long it will take, gaps, next steps, and priority focus areas, we can help. We'll provide a report on the current state and specific practical actions to bring order, clarity, and faster results.

Edwin Abl

How it works: 3-step Process

90-minute meeting to map your go-to-market
Homepages don't exist in a vacuum — what goes on them 100% depends on your go-to-market motions. We spend 90 minutes together mapping your growth model, channels, target segments, and use cases.
90-minute meeting to map your go-to-market
Homepages don't exist in a vacuum — what goes on them 100% depends on your go-to-market motions. We spend 90 minutes together mapping your growth model, channels, target segments, and use cases.
90-minute meeting to map your go-to-market
Homepages don't exist in a vacuum — what goes on them 100% depends on your go-to-market motions. We spend 90 minutes together mapping your growth model, channels, target segments, and use cases.

Identifying Your Unknown Unknowns

You can't see the unseeable.

You don’t know what you don’t know, and that’s scary.

I help to expose critical blind spots and anticipate interventions you can deliver today to avoid headaches down the road. Be proactive and reap the benefits.

You don't know what works and what doesn't.

Finding and plugging gaps in your own GTM strategy is tough.

I provide insider tips and practical advice on what works and what doesn't. We'll define a set of milestones in a specific order to improve your relationships with investors and hit your growth plan.

Your Sales & Marketing teams are out of sink.

Auditing your GTM strategy highlights the intrinsic link between sales and marketing.

Spot how the two functions can work in harmony to fuel a perpetual flywheel effect that gathers momentum, aligned towards shared goals.

Trusted & loved
by Successful Revenue Leaders

Guy Battle

We engaged Ed to carry out a full Marketing and Sales due diligence. He not only provided us with a honest and frank review of how we are working, but also some fantastic insights and recommendations that have now been embraced by the team.

[ CEO Social Value Portal ]
Sam Hussain

Edwin has been hugely helpful while supporting us with our marketing plans. He brings a wealth of direct B2B SaaS experience, theory and content that is otherwise very rare in one package. He is also an absolute pleasure to work with and I have no hesitation in recommending him as a trusted advisor

[CEO at Log my Care | Transforming care]
one-time payment
GTM Audit
What’s Included:
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Access insider tips on GTM success
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Playbook audit to expose blind spots
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Experience guaranteed results. Explore my 100+ recommendations on LinkedIn to see the impact of my work.
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One-month sprint
one-time payment
Accelerated GTM Audit
What’s Included:
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Access insider tips on GTM success
blue tick mark on light-blue background
Playbook audit to expose blind spots
blue tick mark on light-blue background
Experience guaranteed results. Explore my 100+ recommendations on LinkedIn to see the impact of my work.
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Condensed two-week accelerator for faster results
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Delivered through 4x 75-minute high-intensity Zoom calls. That’s all.
GTM Audit
You'll get results in under 8-10 weeks:
What you'll get:
1) A detailed GTM audit to expose your blind spots. Including a GTM Radar Assessment and Value Engine Mapping exercise to unlock blockers.
1) An assessment of whether your plan will work or not.
2) An actionable strategy on what to do next.
How it works:
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You provide the data, access to stake-holders and nothing more. We'll only need 2x 75-minute high-intensity Zoom calls that with you to detail all the insights and next actions. That’s all.
blue tick mark on light-blue background
Experience guaranteed results. Explore my 100+ recommendations on LinkedIn to see the impact of my work.
Accelerated GTM Audit
You'll get results in under 4 weeks:
What you'll get:
1) A detailed GTM audit to expose your blind spots. Including a GTM Radar Assessment and Value Engine Mapping exercise to unlock blockers.
1) An assessment of whether your plan will work or not
2) An actionable strategy on what to do next.
How it works:
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Minimum time commitment, maximum results. Accelerated sprints deliver results faster by squeezing more dedicated time into a short period.
blue tick mark on light-blue background
You provide the data, access to stake-holders and nothing more. We'll only need 2x 75-minute high-intensity Zoom calls that with you to detail all the insights and next actions. That’s all.
blue tick mark on light-blue background
Experience guaranteed results. Explore my 100+ recommendations on LinkedIn to see the impact of my work.