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2-4 weeks

GTM Accelerator Sprint

The GTM Accelerator Sprint empowers early-stage and scaling companies to master their Go-to-Market (GTM) strategy by honing in on the core pillars of their business model. You'll gain five essential assets: a well-defined Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), effective positioning, a compelling offer, clear differentiation, and strong messaging.

Edwin Abl

How it works: 3-step Process

90-minute meeting to map your go-to-market
Homepages don't exist in a vacuum — what goes on them 100% depends on your go-to-market motions. We spend 90 minutes together mapping your growth model, channels, target segments, and use cases.
90-minute meeting to map your go-to-market
Homepages don't exist in a vacuum — what goes on them 100% depends on your go-to-market motions. We spend 90 minutes together mapping your growth model, channels, target segments, and use cases.
90-minute meeting to map your go-to-market
Homepages don't exist in a vacuum — what goes on them 100% depends on your go-to-market motions. We spend 90 minutes together mapping your growth model, channels, target segments, and use cases.

You Fail to Focus on Fundamentals, I'll change that.

You’re unsure what audiences and ICP (TRM) to focus on.
You’re not clear on your value proposition, messaging, and positioning.
 You’re not clear on your differentiated POV.

Trusted & loved
by modern companies

Martin Brown

Ed is encyclopaedic when it comes to the latest go-to-market strategies for B2B SaaS businesses. For me, he is a go-to reference point on all things marketing. With his broad view and deep experience, Ed is able to distill complex concepts down to actionable insights.

Ed is a pleasure to work with, generous with his time and his network. He has made a real difference to businesses I am involved with. I always learn something new talking to him.

[ Non-Executive Director, early stage B2B SaaS ]
Andrew Verbitsky

Ed is all around PRO. Wealth of practical hands-on experience bundled with stratigic and structured mind. Ed joined us as an advisor but then quickly stepped into interim position and formed and scaled new Growth team under him.

Ed is a vivid reader and that clearly shows in his professional and personals domains. Additionally and clearly most important he is a top class human and it was a true pleasure working with him

[ Revenue Leader | Chief Market Officer | V2MOM Enthusiast | Speaker ]
one-time payment
Extended Funnel Conversion Sprint 
Contact for Pricing
What’s Included:
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Build optimized sales funnels that generate more predictable cash flow and align with your KPIs
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Transform your funnels through a series of short, snappy sprints.
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Experience guaranteed results. Explore my 100+ recommendations on LinkedIn to see the impact of my work.
one-time payment
Intensive Funnel Conversion Sprint 
What’s Included:
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Build optimized sales funnels that generate more predictable cash flow and align with your KPIs
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Minimum time commitment, maximum results. The entire sprint is delivered across 4x 75-minute Zoom calls. That's all.
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Transform your funnels in just six weeks (3x sprints)
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Experience guaranteed results. Explore my 100+ recommendations on LinkedIn to see the impact of my work.
Extended GTM Accelerator Sprint 
You'll get results in under 8-10 weeks: 
What you'll get:
1) a completed ICP canvas
2) a completed value proposition canvas
3) a messaging canvas 
4) an offer canvas
5) a differentiation canvas 
How it works:
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4x 75-minute high-intensity Zoom calls. That’s all.
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Experience guaranteed results. Explore my 100+ recommendations on LinkedIn to see the impact of my work.
Intensive GTM Accelerator Sprint 
You'll get results in under 4 weeks: 
What you'll get:
1) A completed ICP canvas
2) A completed value proposition canvas
3) A messaging canvas 
4) An offer canvas
5) A differentiation canvas 
How it works:
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Minimum time commitment, maximum results. Accelerated sprints deliver results faster by squeezing more dedicated time into a short period.
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4x 75-minute high-intensity Zoom calls. That’s all.
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The best indicator of success is when you start taking action the day after the sprint. I deliver outputs that move the needle, not activities that bog you down. You will get a full refund if you can’t use my work instantly.
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Experience guaranteed results. Explore my 100+ recommendations on LinkedIn to see the impact of my work.