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4-8 weeks

AI-led GTM sprint

Interested or confused about the role of AI in GTM? 

As AI plays an increasingly important role in providing lean GTM teams with extra fire-power, learn how to embed specific use cases across your sales and marketing efforts.

Discover what's possible.

Edwin Abl

How it works

90-minute meeting to map your go-to-market
Homepages don't exist in a vacuum — what goes on them 100% depends on your go-to-market motions. We spend 90 minutes together mapping your growth model, channels, target segments, and use cases.
90-minute meeting to map your go-to-market
Homepages don't exist in a vacuum — what goes on them 100% depends on your go-to-market motions. We spend 90 minutes together mapping your growth model, channels, target segments, and use cases.
90-minute meeting to map your go-to-market
Homepages don't exist in a vacuum — what goes on them 100% depends on your go-to-market motions. We spend 90 minutes together mapping your growth model, channels, target segments, and use cases.

Future-Proof Your GTM Strategy

You've found some inefficiencies.

The rapid rise of AI challenges us to question how we operate.

We review how things are done, who does what, and prioritise tasks to expose inconsistencies where too much time is being spent on low-value actions.

Your workflows are bloated.

Harness a growing suite of AI tools to relieve high-value people of lower-value tasks.

Learn how to automate workflows so you have headspace to execute on your most important priorities.

Your team is hesitant about AI.

The future of work will demand AI natives who can compete in a market where a high volume of quality work can be produced at a fraction of what’s possible today.

It’s sink or swim.

Trusted & loved
by Successful Revenue Leaders

Tom Glason

It's been an absolute pleasure working with and getting to know Edwin, both as a member of the London Revenue Collective Steering Committee and as an Adviser to Scalewise. He is generous with his time, thoughtful with his advice and an all round great human!

Although I've never been managed by Ed, I know him well enough to be convinced that he's an exceptional leader who creates high-performing, engaged teams through open communication, trust and proper coaching conversations. Thanks for all your support, Ed.

[ Co-founder & CEO at ScaleWise ]
Latané Conant

Edwin worked at Appirio for 4+ years and was critical to building Appirio’s European business from the ground up. Edwin drove results and built an incredible team. He hired amazing talent and groomed them to be their best. He had a positive impact on our business, careers, and lives. Ultimately this is the mark of great leadership.

Edwin is a constant student... from some new piece of technology he wanted us to pilot to self-help programs he was pushing us to try, he was always working on himself and raising the bar for all of us.

[ Revenue Leader | Chief Market Officer | V2MOM Enthusiast | Speaker ]
one-time payment
AI-led GTM sprint
What’s Included:
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Legacy process & systems audit
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AI augmentation of mission-critical workflows
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Delivery framework for introducing AI systems across your team
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One-month sprint
one-time payment
Accelerated AI-led GTM sprint
What’s Included:
blue tick mark on light-blue background
Legacy process & systems audit
blue tick mark on light-blue background
AI augmentation of mission-critical workflows
blue tick mark on light-blue background
Delivery framework for introducing AI systems across your team
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Condensed two-week accelerator for faster results
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Delivered through 4x 75-minute high-intensity Zoom calls. That’s all.
AI-led GTM sprint
You'll get results in under 6-8 weeks:
What you'll get:
1) Insights and training into current MarTech AI use cases
2) Guidance about how to embed AI into existing processes to accelerate outbound marketing, outbound selling, and account-based selling
How it works:
blue tick mark on light-blue background
4x 75-minute high-intensity Zoom calls. That’s all.
blue tick mark on light-blue background
Experience guaranteed results. Explore my 100+ recommendations on LinkedIn to see the impact of my work.
Accelerated AI-led GTM sprint
You'll get results in under 4 weeks:
What you'll get:
1) Insights and training into current MarTech AI use cases
2) Guidance about how to embed AI into existing processes to accelerate outbound marketing, outbound selling, and account-based selling
3) Actionable advice on how to start using AI from day-1 to boost GTM efficiency
How it works:
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Minimum time commitment, maximum results. Accelerated sprints deliver results faster by squeezing more dedicated time into a short period.
blue tick mark on light-blue background
4x 75-minute high-intensity Zoom calls. That’s all.
blue tick mark on light-blue background
Experience guaranteed results. Explore my 100+ recommendations on LinkedIn to see the impact of my work.